MarineEducationTextbooks | Tuesday, July 8, 2014 |
must meet numerous stringent regulations in order to be in compliance with
federal laws. All merchant vessel owners will want to ensure their lifeboats
are in compliance with the USCG lifeboat requirements. Below is a brief
overview of the requirements, with a list of items that the lifeboat must
contain in order to meet the USCG's requirements.
Basic USCG Lifeboat
requirements for lifeboats are covered in 33 CFR 149.306. This code provides five general rules for lifeboats:
- Lifeboats must be
totally enclosed, fire-protected, and approved.
- Each lifeboat must
be stocked with at the minimal provisions and survival equipment detailed
in 46 CFR 108.575(b).
- All of the
provisions and equipment listed in 46 CFR 108.575(b), save boathooks, must
be securely stowed in the lifeboat.
- Each lifeboat must
contain a list its equipment posted in the lifeboat.
- Each lifeboat must
carry the manufacturer's instructions for maintenance and repair.
Provisions and Equipment
Required for Lifeboats
CFR ยง 108.575 requires that lifeboats
carry 41 items on board. They are:
- bailer;
- bilge pump;
- boathook;
- bucket;
- can opener;
- compass;
- dipper;
- drinking cup;
- fire extinguisher;
- first aid kit;
- fishing kit;
- flashlight;
- hatchet;
- heaving line;
- jackknife;
- ladder;
- signaling mirror;
- oars;
- painter;
- provision;
- radar reflector;
- rainwater
collection device;
- sea anchor;
- searchlight;
- seasickness kit;
- smoke signal;
- hand flare signals;
- parachute flare
- skates and fenders;
- survival
- table of lifesaving
- thermal protective
- tool kit;
- tow line;
- 3 liters of water
for each person; and
- whistle.
The number of
each item required on the lifeboat may vary depending on the number of persons
for which the lifeboat is approved, as well as whether it's approved for
international or other-than-international service.
The Coast
Guard even provides a checklist
that manufacturers must meet in order for the lifeboat to be approved for
commercial use. If you're purchasing a lifeboat for your vessel, make sure it
meets USCG requirements.
To obtain a Coast Guard Type Approval and a Certificate of
Approval (COA), a Submittal Package is required. The Submittal Package consists
of a cover letter requesting Coast Guard Type Approval of the lifeboat and any
information required as per the CG-5214
After the USCG approves the vessel, the COA will remain valid for five years.
Purchasing Supplies for
Your Vessel
To purchase vessel items that you need to ensure your vessel
meets federal standards or to study for licensing exams and qualifications,
feel free to peruse the Marine
Education Textbooks online shop. We carry vessel charts, maps, signage,
logbooks and other items for the maritime industry. For questions or to place
an order, call (888) 840-1430. You can also order online for your convenience.